
Showing posts with the label DIY hair serum

How to make hair serum with simple home ingredients

Hello everyone!  We all have dream of beautiful, soft and shiny hair. And this can be achievable at some extent if we properly take care of our hairs. Sometimes we damaged our hairs by using loads of chemical in hair products. In traditional times there is no hair brands, they simply use their homemade remedies to treat their hair problems. So Today I write on some homemade hair serum methods which are suggested by me grandmother when I asked about the hair problems in her time. She never used any hair product till now and you can't believe that my grandmother's hair are soft and silky, not looks shiny because her overall hair becomes white now. Ingredients :- 75% of water, means more then half of that container where you mix these ingredients. Two teaspoons of aloe vera gel ( I used ‌patanjli aloe vera gel) Two capsules of vitamin- E (you can add three capsules also if you have more dry hair) Two- three teaspoons of rose water. Procedure :- Mix all ...